7:52 AM

Dendrobium Orchid

Although there are many different species of orchids, none are as diverse as the Dendrobium Orchid. There are an estimated 1200-1600 varieties of this single genus. None have such diversity in the range of habitats they can be found in. They are found thriving in the Himalayan mountains, the lowland tropical forests and the Australian desert.

Some Dendrobium orchids mimic another popular variety, the Phalaenopsis because the flowers look similar. The difference is that the Phalaenopsis varieties are evergreen and the Dendrobium Orchid leaves fall off in the fall and winter. The stems are quite strong and the distinct colors make them very popular in cut flower arrangements.

This species of orchid has been found to have many medicinal qualities. It is commonly used in Chinese medicine as one of the fifty fundamental herbs. It has also been found to remove harmful chemicals such as xylene and toluene from the air.

When growing Dendrobium Orchids, most of their care differs from other orchid species. One of the things that make this variety different are that these orchids love light. They can handle up to 50 percent light. Natural light is best but you can use incandescent bulbs if necessary.

Unlike some orchids that can handle a variance of 20 degrees between day and night temperature, the ideal zone is between 50 and 90 degrees with a variant of no more than 10 degrees between night and day.

Humidity is a major factor in the success of this type of orchid as well. Humidity levels should be about 50 to 60 percent. You can pick up gauges that monitor humidity level in your pet store located in the reptile supplies. You can mist the leaves and stalks with a water bottle as long as you check to ensure you don’t over water and cause mold to grow.

Unlike other orchids who like to be re-potted frequently, orchid should only be re-potted once every three years. This ensures that the plant roots have sufficient time to grow undisturbed.

It has been reported that some blooms have lasted up to ten months. Although this may not always be the case, Dendrobium Orchids are one of the most popular in bouquet arrangements and can bring beauty into your home.

5:43 AM

Bamboo Orchids

Bamboo has become such a current lodge in current time; not only can you grow and like it but it’s use in other areas such as timber carpet and as blinds is quickly ahead in popularity.

Then there’s the human type in the influence of musical posse Bamboo Manalac which just like it’s bury namesake, is climbing in the popularity ratings!
So what about wicker orchids?

It would possibly shock many plot enthusiasts the cane orchids even exist but they certainly do! In some areas they are considered rather of an annoyance but in universal, they outshine as a decorative workshop, enhance any flower arrangement and emit a distinct aroma.

Bamboo orchids can be found scattered throughout areas in southern Asia and the placatory islands. They are a popular form of decorative works in Hawaii and be found in countries such as Costa Rica.

Bamboo orchids can be a little fussy to grow as orchid lovers in the western world are verdict out but essentially, by next some well-damaged guidelines, they can be adults with good winner.

The rattan orchid is also known as Arundina and it can grow to heights of 6-8 feet and is a multi-perrennial workshop. The flora commonly tinged during summer and autumn and can construct up to a dozen flowers. The foliage of the yard has a grassy appearance while the flower itself is each amethyst, lavender or mauve, depending on your interpretation of influence flanked by a sallow recording and both a purple or yellowish lip.

While wicker orchids can make a great enclosed hide and add a stroke of class to any home decor, upward the orchid faint in ground requires just a little know-how. If you are about to take the sink and embed one in your garden try the following tips for best outcome:

Avoid planting in a curve-flat region and give the new planting as much legroom as possible. In other language, don’t crowd the orchid as it can be a little claustrophobic.

Make steady the lodge is in a locate to magnetize ample of sunlight, especially during the morning with a little very embrace during the hottest part of the day.

You want to guarantee the orchid is reserved quite humid while sidestep putting it in a locale where flooding is probable to occur. If this is a scenario you’re worried with also put it in superior ground or elevate the ground where you plan to place it.

The soil can be reserved moist simply by providing a good shell of mulch while in rainwater short areas, watering every 2-3 days is required. Applying intermittent doses of fertilizer during the year will be appreciated by the orchid in statement, a measured emit fertilizer every fasten of months should do the trap.

Bamboo orchids appreciate cheery conditons so if you live in a theme where temperatures dump drastically at night, then it may be wise to plant your bamboo in a pot because cold temperatures are not something they appreciate.

Bamboo orchids are creating more and more pursuit among plant lovers and given their attractive sort when in tint, are an interesting addition to any “green thumb’s” reserve of flora.

8:04 AM

Orchid Care Tips

Orchids are very easy to care for as long as you take notice of each Orchid’s preferences. These preferences include humidity, light and air, watering and feeding, temperature, and potting.


Orchid prefer about 60% humidity. This is best achieved by either purchasing humidity tray or filling saucers or a tray with rocks and water underneath and around the Orchid. This is very important, unless you will be growing your orchid in a greenhouse.

Light and Air

Indoor orchids prefer anywhere from no direct light to most of the day – choose an orchid with the links from this page about different orchids to choose the one that’s right for you. Ventilation is also very important – either open a window or turn a fan on – this makes the orchid happier and decreases your chance of getting bugs or bacteria. If your Orchid is grown in a greenhouse you will have very much control over your care environment.


Lift your Orchid to tell when to water. If it is light, bring it to the sink or bring your watering can over and water. Filtered water is good but not necessary. You can also test with a pencil that you have sharpened. If you push the pencil down into the Orchid mix about one inch, when it comes out you can tell how much moisture is in the mix depending on the color of the shaved pencil. If it has absorbed much water, then your Orchid still has water in the mix, and if it comes out light in color, there is not much moisture in the mix.


Fertilize with a very weak solution often. Make sure every 3-4 waterings to water without fertilizer or you may get fertilizer buildup, resulting in health problems for the plant.


This is a biggie! Some like it warmer than others. Some like it cooler. If your Orchids get too hot during the day, water and mist them.

Potting and Repotting

Pot or repot every 1-2 years. One good way to tell when to repot is that the mix the plant is in is very old. When repotting various kinds of Orchids it is best to use various kinds of Orchid potting bark.


It is possible to go either the natural route for pests or the unnatural route. Getting a bottle of some kind of spray you look up after identifying what pest you have. The natural route it to clean and repot the plant, use dish soap mixed in with a lot of water and spray it, or a light amount of bleach. There are lots of home remedies. The best id circulation, and not bringing your plant outdoors then indoors.

Important Orchid Care Tip

When an Orchid is done flowering, cut the flower spike about 1″ up from the base and it should rebloom again if taken care of well.

What Kind of Orchid to Grow

If you’re a beginning orchid grower we’d recommend starting with a Phalaenopsis Orchid. Our second choice for a plant to start with is a Dendrobium Orchid. Both of these Orchids generally bloom for about 3 months once or twice a year!

Beyond that, there are many wonderful Orchids to grow, with flowers lasting anywhere between 1-2 weeks and many months depending on the Orchid, so read on to decide which Orchid fits you and you, your environment, and what you’re ready for.

9:07 AM

Phalaenopsis Orchids

Nowadays, orchid blooms have become the most sought-after flowers and they are widely used for ornamental as well as commercial purposes. A common misconception about orchids is that they are difficult to grow as houseplants.

Here are some tips to grow and care for the Phalaenopsis orchids, which are the most popular variety and comparatively less fussier to nurture.

Orchids are flowering plants, which belong to the family orchidaceae. It consists of 880 genera and almost 22,000 species. Phalaenopsis is one genus, which includes 60 species of orchids. These orchids are also called ‘moth orchids’, as their flowers resemble moths in flight. Phalaenopsis orchids are considered to be one of the most popular orchids, as they are easy to grow at home, as compared to their counterparts. Let us find out the methods to take care of a Phalaenopsis orchid.

General Characteristics
Phalaenopsis orchids are natives of southeast Asia, Philippines and Australia. These plants are usually found adhered to trees in deep forests or rocks. They have broad, flat succulent leaves and long arching stems with flowers. Usually, a plant has five to ten green leaves, and roots which are white in color. In some species, the stems are long with big round flowers.

There are species with short stems and flowers with flashy colors. Apart from these, there are a large number of hybrids, which are more adapted to the artificial conditions than their natural habitat. One important factor owing to the popularity of this orchid is that its flowers can last up to three months in artificial conditions. The flowering season starts in December and ends in May. Flowers of some species and hybrids last longer. Some varieties can bear flowers throughout the year.

Purchasing Tips
Phalaenopsis orchids are available in different sizes and forms. You can go in for potted ones, with or without flowers. Smaller versions without flowers are available at a cheap price. These can be in individual or community pots. Community pots contains more seedlings, which can flower within two years, if they are properly taken care of.

Seedlings of this plant are also available in flasks, in which the seeds are sown. Once they are brought outside the flask, the size of the plant depends upon the leaf span, which is the measurement from one leaf tip to the other in the opposite direction of a leaf. Normally, a plant with a leaf span of eight inches or above is considered as a flowering one, but some species can flower even when their leaf span is just four inches.

It is advisable to choose plants with firm (white or silvery) roots, and fleshy leaves without blemishes. A plant with more strong and live roots is good. It should be free of bugs and pests. Buying a plant with flowers is advantageous, as you will know the color and design of the flower, beforehand. Always go for plants with some buds along with flowers. The buds will help you to judge the lifespan of flowers. The spike should be strong and the flowers should be free of unnatural spots.

7:58 AM

Home Growing Orchids

Many people think the mounting orchids is something that can only be done in big hothouses however, you can grow orchids at home if you select the right brand and bestow it with the right environment.

Growing orchids can be a pleasing hobby and can horde exquisite plants that you can have or give as gifts. If you have a green thumb and feeling exotic plants, then upward them, yourself is something that might be merit the struggle.

Orchids that work best for home mounting are those that grow high in the grass execution from the brushwood and get the nutrition from the downpour, jungle air and decaying vegetation that their roots come in exchange with. To grow these orchids at home, you’ll hardship to present them with a budding district that comes close to their native environment.

Orchids flourish in damp climates and if you want to grow them at home you’ll necessary to impart them with a topic where they can have at least 50% damp. In order to do this, you can set your orchid pots on a tray that is crammed with water but not In the tray just above it so that the humidity from the water can come up with a water does not steep into the pot. May smart is also important to make indeed there is sufficient in circulation so that the grass and pedals can dry off correctly.

It’s important that your work is to not sit in water but continue clammy. You should water than once a week after the soil has dried out. Make convinced there is no immovable water. Fertilize with a water-soluable fertilizer made specifically for orchids.

Different types of orchids poverty different amounts of sunlight and if you can’t provide normal sunlight you can try fluorescent grow light. In the winter, your report will want at least four hours of light.

You can buy keen sundry orchid potting mixes and this is what you should use for your orchids.

Orchids can be prone to diseases and vermin. They can yield to fungal disease viral disease and bacterial disease and regularly have mites, aphids, caterpillars, slugs, mealy bugs, snails, white flies, and dendrobium beatles. Mounting them within can lower the bugs immensely but you still have to be on the sentinel for vermin and disease.

To remedy vermin on your orchids, you should use pesticides from a resident backyard supply deposit. Be surefire to forever use them per instructions. If you can, try to go with organic pesticides that are painless on the environment.

7:17 AM

Orchids Types

In the World of Flowers, the Orchids are accounted as undisputed Champions. Their exclusive Beauty and variety of Color and Shapes enchants the Hearts of Men and Women as one. Some Orchids have tiny Inflorescence and others – sometimes grow to the diameter of a Plate.

In the Past, Orchid cultivation was a significantly expensive Hobby. However, today, Orchids are within the reach of everyone. if you grow House Plants , you can grow Orchids as well. Since the Orchid Flowers are durable and (some) may Flourish in harsh conditions.

The Orchid Family (Orchidaceae) is one of the biggest Families in the Plant World. you can find Representatives of the Family in a Variety of Habitats . From tropical Rain Forests to dry Desert Areas. From Ground Levels to Altitudes of 2000 Meters and more.

In tropical Rain Forests you can find mostly Epiphytic and Lithophytes (Orchids that grow on Tree Branches, Trunks and Rocks rather than out of the Ground) most of them are Species from the types : Phalacnopsis, Cattleya, Laelia, Epidendrum, Dendrobium.

In the cold Temperate Areas: you can find Terrestrial (orchids that grow on the Ground) Orchid types: Cymbidium, Paphiopedilum, Odontoglossum, Masdevallia and more.

With Temperature requirements in Mind. You can classify most Orchids into Three main Groups:

1.Orchids from colder Areas, where the Minimal Temperature is 10 Degrees Celsius and the Maximal Temperature is 30 Degrees Celsius. some of the Orchid types that belong to this Group are : Cymbidium, Masdenallia, Paphiopedilum, MiltoniaS, Odontoglossum.

2.Orchids from Temperate Climate Areas.
where the Minimal Temperature is 13 Degrees Celsius. and the Maaximal Temperature 30 Degrees Celsius. some of the Orchid types that belong to this Group are : Oncidum, Brassavola, Cattleya, Dendrobium, Epidendron, Paphiopedilum (with striped Leaves) and Laelia.

3.Orchids from warm Climate Areas.
where the Minimal Temperature is 15 Degrees Celsius and the Maximal Temperature are 32 Degrees Celsius. some of the Orchid types that belong to this Group are : Phalaenopsis, Vanda, Ascocentrum.

8:53 AM

Spring Orchids


With warmer temperatures and the sunlight increasing spring cannot be far away. This is when many cattleyas bloom. And as you know, cattleyas are the known for their fragrance.

On some of the plants you may see a yellow sheath which is protecting some of the buds. This sheath can be removed to allow the orchid to bloom. Be careful when it is removed so the bud isn’t damaged. You will be rewarded with a wonderful flowering orchid.

Light in the spring will play tricks on us. It is nothing to have bright days following a day of rain. With the bright days comes a chance for the plant to become “sun-burned” and damage the looks of the orchid. It is advantageous for the cattleya to have some partial shading so this can be prevented.

With the days getting longer this means the plants will require perhaps more watering and also will need more fertilizing. It should be done every week with a weak solution of fertilizer. What is meant by weak? Instead of following the directions for full strength, cut the fertilizer used in half. This gives you a half-strength solution which can be used weekly.

Once the season has past for the winter bloomers you should re-pot if it necessary. For orchids re-potting need only be done every 2-3 years.


This is the month you will see your phals be at their peak for blooming. There are wonderful displays of wide arching phal and the blooming can go on for over a month with the flowers staying for 2-3 months. Now is when you will need to do some careful staking of the spikes. It will not only help the plant but will display it so the flowing arches looking fantastic.

Remember again, more water and fertilizer are needed during the blooming season. The plants metabolism really revs up during this budding time.

Diseases are another potential during the blooming season. Especially, mealy bugs and scales. This may be spotted by the slimy exudates they leave on the branches. Treat these early so they don’t destroy the flowers or the treatment doesn’t harm the flowers.

Paphs / Lady Slippers

For our paphs, especially those that are summer bloomers, it is a good time to see if they need to be re-potted. Also, check for disease on these orchids. Mealy bugs are the most frequent visitors. It is great time to treat the plants. Most plant lovers set up a time, usually weekly or monthly to thoroughly look at the orchids for any sign of disease. If you do this on a regular basis your plants will certainly be able to treated early and easily.

The longer light of the day gives more energy to paphs. You will see the spikes develop and the buds start with the help of longer days. It’s great to see how these wonderful orchids grow in front of your eyes.

9:30 AM

Vanda Orchids

Orchids are a very popular flowering plant for gifting and for growing. Most orchid genera and species are wonderfully fragrant, and beautiful.

One of the more popular Orchids due to the unique flower shape , colors, and very pleasant fragrance are Vanda Orchids.

The Vanda Orchid has about 80 different species, is a monopodial orchid (they grow from the tip of the plant), and is found mostly in China, Northern Australia, the Himalayas, and Indonesia. They grow wild on the trunks and branches of the jungle trees, and sometimes rocks. The flowers of these plants grow in clusters at the tip of the plant, and are a long-lasting flower.

Vanda Orchids love sunlight, and require 3 to 4 hours daily in order to flower properly. With steady watering, sunlight, humidity, a little fertilizer, and light soil/compost, these plants will grow and flower beautifully. You can place them in a hanging wooden basket with very little soil over the roots.

The proper temperature for optimal growth and flowering is 65 degrees or higher. It is possible for the Vanda Orchid to survive temperatures as low as 38 degrees, but damage will occur to the flower and root tips. It is best to keep the temperature above 50 degrees for these plants.

These plants are considered heavy feeders meaning a mix of fertilizer should be given to the Vanda Orchids for proper care. Try not to smother the roots of these plants with soil/compost. The soil/compost should not be tight, but rather more loose. That is why the slat wooden basket is the best planter for them. These Orchids will grow fast, and flower quickly if the proper care is taken when growing them.

Vanda Orchids are beautiful, unique, fragrant flowering plants that are easily grown and cared for using porous soil/compost that will not smother the roots. Making sure it gets a good dose of sunlight, and humidity will allow this plant to flower and thrive. Fertilizer should be used about once a week for proper feeding these hungry plants. Make sure to keep the temperature above 50, and make sure there is plenty of good air circulation in very warm conditions.

9:03 AM

Orchid as an Exotic Flower

Next to the rose, orchids are the plants most in exact in both the reserved and commercial marketplace. No yard family has as many different plants as the orchid family. Orchids are known to grow in most, every part of the world with the exemption of Antarctica and the deserts.

Most African orchids are pallid, while Asian orchids are commonly multicolored. Some orchids grow only one flower on each stem, while others can have more than a hundred blooms on a separate spike.

When not in tint, orchids very much resemble crazy grasses and, or palms. They can be grouped according to the way they retrieve their nutrients. The adulthood of the species are found in sultry, tacky broad leaf forests or mountains. These orchids attach themselves against other plants, commonly grass. However, they are not considered to be a parasite.

Then there are a few species that grow logically on rocks or on very unstable soil. Both of these species gets their nutrients from the atmosphere. Such as pour water, litter, humus, and even from their own over bandanna. Orchids are also ones of the most adaptable bury groups on earth. Some Australian orchids grow utterly underground.

Those orchids we plant in our gardens are known as terrestrial plants and are planted in the soil just like most any other flower. If your matter isn’t conducive to mounting orchids, you can still grow them in a hothouse. Be unwearied, however. The seeds of an orchid are awfully tiny. Under relaxed circumstances, the seeds can only evolve with the use of the special fungi. It takes anywhere from one to ten time for an orchid plant let to mature.

The paradigm placed in the home for upward orchids is a light opening, boundless from drafts, where your plants entertain indirect sunlight the morning and daylight. (A south view is best.) In iciness, give orchids all the light potential. The equivalent to a smart south-facing graphic. With treat large windows or especially intense sunlight, the light may be adjusted down by poignant plants 18 to 36 inches from the window. Plants in the home command a greater light intensity because they entertain light from only one route, while in a greenhouse they greet light from many sides.

One orchid genre is commercially important other than for the worth of the flora. The vanilla orchid is worn as a flavoring, and indeed is the well of vanilla. The underground tubers of terrestrial orchids are ground to a powder and worn for cooking. Interestingly enough, the Coca-Cola Company is the world’s prevalent abuser of vanilla. Because vanilla is such a work intensive crop due to having to hand-pollinate the plants, it is most apposite to small family farms.

The bouquet of orchids is frequently used by perfumists. With these exceptions, orchids have near no commercial help other than for the enjoyment of the flowers.

Both stifling and subtropical orchids are offered at nurseries and through orchid clubs across the world. There are also extremely a few orchids which grow in colder climates, though these may be more awkward to find. The National Orchid Gardened in Singapore is considered by some to be among the finest collections of orchids in cultivation open to the communal.

Orchids have now become a major bazaar throughout the world. Buyers bid hundreds of dollars on new or improved hybrids. As mentioned past, they are now one of the most popular cut flowers on the souk. Though orchid hybridization has been happening for many being, only lately has new technology made it into what it is today. Thailand is the principal country in the orchid-export world, with one of the few natural white orchids.